MPF Overview Close


Vested Balance
Vested Balance is calculated based on the assumption that you leave employment under normal conditions.

MPF Total Asset Distribution
The allocation of your account balance by constituent fund as at the date shown on the top right hand corner of the MPF Total Asset Distribution table.

For employee and Flexi-Contributions accounts
Additional contributions made by you personally and not associated with your employment.

Tax Deductible Voluntary Contributions
For Tax Deductible Voluntary Contributions accounts
Additional contributions made by you personally and not associated with your employment. The contributions paid into the account is eligible for tax deduction.


How do I find out which constituent funds my account balance is allocated to?
Click the Account Balance figure. This will take you to the MPF Account Details which shows your account balance by contribution account and by constituent fund.

When is the last update date of the MPF account balance?
The last update date of the MPF account balance is displayed on the top right hand corner of the MPF Overview table.

Why is there no balance shown in my MPF account?
A possible reason is that the contribution or amount is still being processed and the balance has not been updated to Personal Internet Banking yet.

How do I find out my other accounts if I have more than 20 MPF accounts?
Each page will only show 20 MPF accounts, you may click the "Next" or "Previous" button to display other accounts.

When is the last update date of the MPF Total Asset Distribution?
The last update date of the MPF Total Asset Distribution is displayed on the top right hand corner of the MPF Total Asset Distribution table.

How do I check unit price?
A click on the "*Check the latest available unit price of constituent fund(s)" will display a list of existing constituent funds available from HSBC. You may also check the unit price of individual constituent funds at a specific date and cumulative performance up to a specific date.

How can I preview the projection on my MPF benefits?
A click on the "View Projection Details" button will display a projection on your MPF benefits which is updated quarterly. The figures are for illustration purpose and are not guaranteed - they are not minimum or maximum amounts. The actual MPF benefits you would get back depends on the contributions made and the actual investment return. Your actual MPF benefits could be more or less than the projection. The projection information provided in this website should not be regarded as investment advice. Further, it has not taken into account of your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances. If you have any doubts about the assumptions or the content of the information provided, please seek independent professional advice. Investment involves risks and past performance is not indicative of future performance. The value of financial instruments, in particular stocks and shares, and any income from such financial instruments, may go down as well as up. Please refer to the 'Principal Brochure' for further details.